Nagpur University

Physical Eduction Teacher's Association

About Us

Nagpur University

Physical Eduction Teacher's Association

About Us

Nagpur University

Physical Eduction Teacher's Association

About Us

Nagpur University

Physical Eduction Teacher's Association

About Us

Nagpur University

Physical Eduction Teacher's Association

About Us




About Us

R.T.M. Nagpur University Physical Teacher's Association

  • To encourage and promote physical education in the University and in masses.
  • To promote regulate organized and to control at various activities under physical education.
  • To hold the Tournaments of various sports activities under Physical Education.
  • To Organise the refresher courses, clinics and seminars for the physical education teacher.
  • To invite teams from the foreign countries, other states and cities etc. to hold the various types of sports meetings.
  • To invite the organize talks lecture or seminars by the experts in the fields of physical education.


Happy Members

Happy Members

What They Say

I am pleased to learn that the Nagpur University Physical Education Teachers Association is going to start its website. This is a welcome development and will help improving communication between the association members. I hope it will also serve as a useful source of information for those interested in physical education teaching.
I wish this endeavour a success.

- Dr Barid Bhattacharya

Best wishes for International Conference!

- Dr. Subhash R. Chaudhari
Vice Chancellor - RTMNU

Today, on the occasion of the opening of the International Conference, it is a great pleasure to launch the website of your organization. The present age is computerized. So your colleagues need to get up-to-date information. There is no doubt that you will achieve the goals of the organization through this website.

Dr Vijay Dhote
President, NUPETA

We are delighted that Neupeta is presenting an audit of the work you are doing for the benefit of your fellow professors. Let's do all the ideological exchanges through this. That is what we expect from you.

Dr. Arvind Joshi
General Secretary, NUPETA

Physical Eduction
Teacher's Association